Personality & Voice

№ 1

Be visionary,
in idea

Sense of ambition and foresight

Bleed Responsibly: Integrating bleeding edge tech and payment trends. Transform with visionary adaptation.

Forward Thinking: Ignite paths uncharted; envision tomorrow's triumphs today. A harmonious blend of ambition and foresight propelling us toward boundless horizons.

№ 2

Be empowering,
in intent

Emphasis on enabling others to flourish in a digital economy

Empower Customer: Make them the hero in their journey, providing tools and support for customer success.

Flourish Together: Cultivate a community where every member's growth contributes to the collective success in the digital landscape.

№ 3

Be friendly,
in conversation

Making payment technology less intimidating; use relatable language

Speak Their Language: Translate complex tech talk into friendly terms, ensuring everyone feels at ease in the payment process.

Listen with Empathy: Understand customer needs, fostering open and approachable conversations around their unique experiences.

№ 4

Be optimistic,
in change

Sense of hope and opportunity; optimistic about the future of payment tech

Embrace Changes: Embrace the evolving payment landscape with excitement, anticipating the positive transformations it brings to customers and businesses.

Pessimistically Optimistic: Acknowledge challenges while maintaining an unwavering belief in the potential for positive change and growth in payment tech.


Guidelines for Third Parties