
Like our brand, our logo symbolize a connection between sellers and buyers. Use them to add flair and dress up your content.

MineSec Logo
MineSec Logo

Full Logo Spacing

MineSec Logo

There’s just one lock-up for this. Please don’t invent new ones. Spacing around the logo is no less than the height of the Symbol contained. Minimum height for the full logo is 40px or 8mm.

Symbol Spacing

MineSec Logo

A sturdy upright, connecting both side. Spacing around the mark is no less than the height of the space from the upright top to the mark itself. Minimum height for the symbol is 40px or 8mm.

MineSec LogoMineSec LogoMineSec LogoMineSec LogoMineSec LogoMineSec Logo

Vertical lockup

MineSec Logo

Alt Logo

Primarily used in developer content. (or dark mode)

MineSec LogoMineSec LogoMineSec LogoMineSec Logo

App icon

MineSec Logo
MineSec LogoMineSec Logo
